Saturday, May 22, 2010

EDM613 Wk3 Project Post - Publishing Assignment Part 2

This week I have been focusing on compiling all the information for my publishing project. I have decided to just worry about writing the report before finding a place to send it to. I’m afraid if I find a place first, I will back myself into a corner as far as how I need to write the report. After I compose a good draft, I will then go out and find publications that match what I’ve produced.

I want to write my report as a casual first person reflection because that’s what I’m most comfortable with. This week has been crazy for me. My tennis team has been doing great, which means we keep advancing in the playoffs, which means no time for my homework. Unfortunately I haven’t had time to really work on it and will only have a couple of days to pull things together before it’s time for me to present.

I am feeling both stressed and relief simultaneously because of the email sent out this week discussing the directed focus of the report. While I am glad it doesn’t have to be an in-depth review of the AR report I am a little worried at how open-ended it can be. The range is quite large, but I will try to focus on what I initially set out to investigate – can using social networks help in teaching literacy. I will eliminate a lot of the discussion from my AR report and focus on the bigger picture, incorporating some things that I, myself, didn’t actually use in my AR project.

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