After reading the first three chapters of The Art of Possibility, chapter one stood out to me the most. The description of how people think was very well done. "Our minds are also designed to string events into story lines, whether or not there is any connection between the parts," (Zander & Zander, 2002, pg 14). This concept is crucial in the critical thinking process. I know there are seven multiple intelligences, but I like to simplify it into two major camps. The numbers people string events based on patterns while the word people create the strings to connect the events.
As an English teacher, I have given my students many exercises in stringing events. Also, as any piece of literature (poem, story, novel) is read, the same process is being done. The reader must string together the characters, setting, plot lines, etc. to understand the entire piece of work. Those who excel in the process do so because of practice.
Chapter one also offered a common mind puzzle to demonstrate the thinking process. The puzzle asks to draw 4 straight lines connecting all the dots without lifting the pencil off the paper.
Zander, R. & Zander, B. (2002). The art of possibility. London: Penguin Books.
:-) everyone loves that puzzle after the fact...