Sunday, May 9, 2010

EDM613 Wk1 Project Post - Finishing Lit Review

Wrapping up the different parts of the AR website is something that has been a long time coming. While I am excited that it is almost over, I am stressed because it is almost over. I have all the information I need and have done everything, but was thrown a curve ball. I was under the assumption that our Literature reviews would be looked at for the second time during month 11, not that they should be completely done.

The entire AR process has been frustrating for me because I haven't been able to stay on it as much as I would have liked to. Even though we have had help from Roxanne, I don't feel like I have gotten the support I needed to really be successful. When I received my feedback for my lit review it was four months after I submitted it. The comments were done in a way that sounded like suggestions, rather than mandatory things. I sent in my lit review again last Wednesday and received feedback Saturday. The biggest problem- I was over a thousand words too long.

I am now frantically trying to shave down, combine, and synthesize my work. While it will not have received its second look by the due date Tuesday, hopefully I will get feedback soon and be able to have everything corrected by the end of this month. I have just felt that the AR report hasn't always been treated as something important, until now. I know we have been working on it independently, but a little more direction would have been nice.

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