Sunday, May 9, 2010

EDM613 Wk1 Wimba Post

Watching the Wimba archive I was reminded why I'm going through this masters program. The discussion about how public schools react to changing technologies pointed out that technology needs more advocates. For the most part, public schools lag a good ten years behind cutting edge technology and only ever incorporate it if they can find a big enough budget. The things I have learned in this program look to combat those issues head on.

As an English teacher, I can relate to your instructions for the reading posts. I can't stand when my students just summarize what they read - I tell them whatever they are reading I've read at least 50 times. It is so important to get students out of the habit of summarizing and into the practice of analyzing. As a ninth grade teacher, it takes all year (and all my patience) to get them to make that shift.

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